Write Stuff






My internet provider was kind enough to let me have this homepage for nothing. Well, OK, I know nothing is free, but it didn't cost me any money. It can't do much, I can only chose from a few standard designs and I can only write text and display images.

My plan, initially, is just to write stuff, as the name says. Stuff that interests me, stuff that I find important, stuff I have found useful, and anything else that occurs to me. Maybe things will begin to take a certain direction in time, but first of all, I want to get into the swing of having and maintaining a homepage.

I'd be pleased to read your comments on what you read here. I could integrate a module to allow readers to leave comments, but the module insists that commenters agree to have their IP address recorded and I'm not having that, so if you want to contact me, you can send me an email at write-stuff@t-online.de.


Last updated: 09.07.2016 

Here on the Write Stuff ...

  • Have you been Brexited! Why not become a German - here's how

Last updated: 01.05.2017